WBT - The Early ThirtiesPrograms

The Charlotte News, Jan. 29, 1933

Noted Artists Presented By Station WBT

Interesting Programs Arranged For Broadcasting This Week By the Local Station.

From the 25,000-watt transmitter of the South's Pioneer Broadcasting station, WBT, will be heard during this week, such well known personages as Morton Downey, Howard Barlow, Nino Martin, Sylvia Sapira, and others from the Columbia studios in New York; and from the local studios of WBT, Billy Hamilton, Michael Wise, Al Garr, Joan Mars, Princess Nacomee, among many more. During her broadcast Monday, January 30th, Sylvia Sapiro, concert pianist, will present Bach's "Well Tempered Clavichord," playing the selections in B-flat major, B-flat minor, and B major. The program will be on the air from 2:15 to 2:30 P. M., EST.

Bob Mitchell Organist
Monday afternoon at 5:15 o'clock, and again Thursday afternoon at the same hour. Bob Mitchell, talented organist at WBT will be on the air for quarter-hour programs of popular and semi-classic music. Mr. Mitchell has won a large following of admiring friends who listen regularly to his programs whenever he is on the air. He will open his broadcast Monday afternoon with the rendition of "Street of Dreams," one of the late hit selections. He will include on the presentation, "When Day Is Done," and "Choloe [Chloe?]."

One of the most well known features to originate in the studios of WBT, Charlotte, is known as the Voice of Charlotte. It will be on the air Monday evening at 9:30 o'clock. The music will be by the WBT concert orchestra under the direction of Michael Wise, whose work as conductor at WBT has always been of the very highest type. The master of ceremonies for the occasion will be Walter J. Cartier. The period will feature some interesting faces about Charlotte, her industries, her civic activities, and social life.

Martini Sings Highest Tenor Aria
Nino Martini, youthful Italian tenor whose remarkable voice range has evoked laudatory comment from critics both in this country and abroad, will add a new page to American music history when he sings the highest tenor aria ever composed, the beautiful "Credea Si Misera Ella E Tremante" from Bellini's opera. "I Puritani." The program will be on the air Wednesday February 1, at 11 P. M. EST. Martini's rendition of the aria will mark its premiere on the air and its first performance in American its original key. Martini is probably the only living tenor capable of performing this exacting aria as it was written.

Indian Princess On Air
Absorbing tales of Indian folklore interspersed with violin solos and of Indian melodies will form the basis of a new WBT program that gives promise of attaining widespread popularity.


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