WBT - The Early ThirtiesPrograms

The Charlotte Observer, Aug. 10, 1930


Plans are rapidly taking shape at WBT for the new Columbia chain features that will be heard over this station during the coming fall, it was announced today by Earle J. Gluck, general manager. The Charlotte station is a most popular one for national advertisers, and the surrounding territory is one rich in prospects for the large manufacturers. With such facts, it was explained, it is only a matter of the necessary time needed to acquaint these program sponsors already on the CBS with the opportunity to present their offerings to WBT's audience.

Of course in dealing with large advertisers such as those sponsoring the many outstanding Columbia programs, it is necessary for them to make additional appropriations for the addition of WBT to their present network and also to secure the approval of their directors, many of whom are away at this time. This explains the slight delay in securing for WBT's audience the very popular Columbia offerings which have been building up for this chain its outstanding place in the field. Prospects are exceedingly bright for the listeners this coming season, it Is said, and a most interesting program of entertainment is promised for those who keep their dials to WBT.

Explanation of the discontinuance of the serial "The Couple Next Door" has been received from Columbia executive headquarters, in answer to queries from listeners in the Carolinas. The feature was found to closely parallel a commercially sponsored program, and a new series, the "Whoope Sisters" based on Peter Arne's drawings, has been substituted for it.


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